
Showing posts from December, 2020

Taylor Swift - Getaway Car (Reputation Stadium Tour Live)


Hathor the Eye of Ra, Kemetic Ntr of Motherhood, Love and Beauty


Egyptian Goddess - Hathor by Katy Noura Butler


Gods of Egypt - Hathor


Mafdet : Goddess of Judgment, Justice, and execution | Egyptian Mythology


Hathor : Cow Goddess of Motherhood and Foreign Lands | Ancient Egyptian ...

Ancient History Sourcebook: Lucius Apuleius (c.155 CE): Isis, Queen of Heaven The cult of Isis was one of the most important of the empire wide cults in the later empire, and perhaps its greatest monument is in Lucius Apuleius very strange novel, The Golden Ass. Here Isis appears to Lucius, and claims to be all goddesses. We see here the workings of an intense religious syncretism. Isis is here the Queen of Heaven, and principal of all the gods and goddesses. When I had ended this prayer, and made known my needs to the Goddess, I fell asleep, and by and by appeared unto me a divine and venerable face, worshipped even by the Gods themselves. Then by little and little I seemed to see the whole figure of her body, mounting out of the sea and standing before me, and so I shall describe her divine appearance, if the poverty of my human speech will allow me, or her divine power give me eloquence to do so. First she had a great abundance of hair, dispersed and scattered about her neck, on the

