Twin Flame Reunion: 11 Signs Separation is About to End

Katy Perry - Rove - August 16 2009 katy perry facebook post on john’s intro to katy


30 Nov 2020, 16:03

to me

JOHN THE STRICT BAPTIST has left a new comment on the post "Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson Sexy Photo Gallery":  le 21/06/2017
lost for words pink Floyd
TONIGHTS INTERNET HEADLINES IN MY VIEW: 18:55PM 06/14/2017  buys 58% of her Twitter followers and her 96 hours KATY HUDSON REALITY SHOW staring out blandly a badly cloned Katy Perry breaks record for longest ever Album launch Party of 96 hours non-stop her Husband consumed 30 grams of Whizz to keep up but by 80 hours Mr Hudson awoke went online for the last orders while any dealer in LA could drive and could hardly believe his eyes where the longest anticipated Album since the Eagles KPIV or V or 666.   revealed that he was in fact  and had secretly unbeknown to  pinned a direct link from GOD to the NEW KATY HUDSON LP ‘WITNESS’ to APPLE itunes resulting directly in as APOLLO GOD of MUSIC and representing  as A.H.G.M.I.R.A. Apollo and Taylor as GOD & HATHORS Music INDUSTRY Regulatory Authority SENT KATY HUDSON’S LONG AWAITED CUM BACK FROM DISASTER WITH THE DEVIL, ILLUMINATI, NEW WORLD ORDER, GLOBALIST ELITE, ‘WITNESS’ TO #1 NUMBER ONE IN THE GLOBAL itunes CHART on its first visit to remind KATY of this #MADLOVE but ‘used 2B’ cause now  #SADLOVE #BadBloodLove as Mr Hudson let his wife basque naked all alone in the glory of ‘her’ [Apollo GOD of MUSIC]  larf out loud taking full honours for his alone achievement cause ‘nothing is created if not thru him’ and not only that KATY HUDSON was so ill recovering from a nightmare of a life that she was lying on the bathroom floor slashing her wrists after photographic evidence showed up Katy’s wild knife and razor blade scratches and cuts that when a desperado Katy sat down crying that her GOD had apparently but not in reality left her for a younger woman none other than Katy’s worst enemy TAYLOR SWIFT that HR HUDSON WHO WAS LORD BYRON and God of Lyrics Apollo came into Katy’s hand as she floundered to write #KP4 and penned some 45 songs for her to choose from for the Album without telling her what he had done = #1 Deezer]
KATY PERRY LINK FROM @katyperry to @HollywoodLife announces to BRIT JAMES CORDEN and #GODSCREW #MEMBER and @GodsGlobalAmbassadors THAT WHILST MARRIED TO MR HUDSON HAD 4 ADULTERESS AFFAIRS WITH @diplo @jaty @johnmayer @orlandobloom and #GEORGE AS MR HUDSON SENDS KATY’S ALBUM TO #1 comment:  : “Oh well you can’t do enough for some wimmin I stayed 100% faithful to Katy saved her life on a number of occasions bought her back from the dead a number of times wrote her Album and sent it to #1 whilst she gorged her gagging deep throat around THE ANTI-CHRIST ORLANDO BLOOMS GONNOREAH SPITTING COCK AND SHE HE HAS HEPATITIS B OMG I AM DISS-APOINTED IN MY WIFE OMG" #MYwifeISISaSLUT lost for words pink Floyd
lost for words pink Floyd

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Posted by JOHN THE STRICT BAPTIST to Crazy Hot Gallery at November 30, 2020 at 8:03 AM





·                     KATY PERRY IS WIDE AWAKE:   


·                     HOPE IS GIVEN TO THE SLAVES: by

·                     222Hz Find your higher self for there you will tune into CHRISTS CONSCIOUSNESS BELIEVE IN JESUS HE IS NOT ONLY YOUR HOPE BUT YOUR SAVIOR: In 2014 Jesus was born again Yehoshua HA~Mashiach and the first thing he did was open PANDORAS BOX with Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson ~ The Goddess ISIS ~ Mary of Bethany the Magdalena as PANDORA and the box was empty all that was left was HOPE all else was lost. Jesus Christs earth family motto was ‘dum spiro spero’ = ‘where there is breath there is hope’. HOPE was released into the Universe along with GODS ( ) LOVE and one day the story of recreation will be told but for now rest assured hope turned the Universe back on from its slumber of the 3rd dimension the Age of Pisces (ISIS) which had become old and stale and the peoples of Earth fell asleep. So now we have arrived at the Age of Aquarius (YHVH YEHOVAH +1 female) in the 4th dimension where YHVH steered Earth into a new place in the Universe on our revolutions around the Universe where Earth had never been before with humans on it. Earth was travelling with no pilot on it and JESUS took the wheel. JESUS will speed things up into a 5th dimension and beyond so keep up and spread peace on Earth JESUS THE MESSIAH will stand no objectors to WORLD PEACE for JESUS CHRIST IS MUHAMMAD MAHOMET THE GAUTAMA BUDDHA therefore unite world the evil ones will be dealt with and the good will prevail. Then on the 25th December 2016 HORUS was reborn into a situation beyond contempt where as planned his Mother had married his Earth Body of Jesus and by the 16th January he came out of nappies to find his Mother (ISIS-IN-CRISIS) had sold her soul (KATY PERRY Katheryn Hudson <3:xD) to the Devil (CAPITOL RECORDS) had become the fowl slut of ‘Satan and Lucifer’ (personified as the @ILLUMINATI)  admitted when he played hir songs Birthday and Wide Awake backwards and had become embroiled in a Global World Takeover forced on the people of the 150+ Nations on Earth without their knowledge and my MOM had been the lead slut in a campaign of deceit and dreadful goings on by the Elite/NEW WORLD ORDER/GLOBALIST ELITE of the 13 Bloodlines of the Nephalim and Reptillians called the ILLUMINATI and their puppet operation The Council on Foreign Affairs led by a FOREX TRADER GEORGE SOROS RULER OF THE UKRAINE Mom was in fact the Queen of the Illuminati and the United Nations and this not being unusual becoming the Queen of Everything as she owned half the globe already as the Illuminati had foisted a takeover of the World which was owned by ‘US’ already as she had married YHVH-YEHOVAH-GOD my Earth body The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY The owner of the Universe, The World and everything and everybody on it providing ISIS paid $155,000,000 to penniless tramp YHVH)….I drew a toke on my cigarette and thought have I got it wrong?...Mom is married to the World’s owner thus fair and equitably owned half the World but had made it nearly possible for a FOREX TRADER from the MONEY MARKETS ELITE ‘MERCHANT BANKERS’ take this from her!!! WTF What skullduggery has been at play as GOD took over the keyboard; ‘HORUS MY SON your Mother the Goddess Queen ISIS has been mind controlled by Satan’s Daughter and has not thought anything thru as though she is fighting my MA’AT to replace it with Satanism and is busy throwing the World into Chaos because as a woman she is forfeiting half the world so she can spread STD’s VD and Syphilis and due to her Adulteress affair with the Anti-Christ: ORLANDOBLOOM HEPATITUS B to 5% of the human population that will be left once her ‘gang of unelected thieves’ the ILLUMINATI and their puppets have taken over the world as she has prepared for them just to show herself in public abusing children under age and being photographed for public display being fucked unprotected by 5 Satanic Demons withy pox and take 2 cocks up her asshole and made me share the photos on a Billion websites” (IAM OFF TO @KillaQueenSwift 4 protection….hers unless @katyperry pays $155,000,000) HORUS SADDLES UP HIS WHITE DONKEY (His Moms sex partner) AND LEAVES LONDON LISTENING TO THE PIED PIPER OF MMC CONTROL ‘GODDESS HATHOR-SEKHMET-NEMESIS OF MUSIC’: TAYLOR SWIFT WITH THE COLOURS OF SIR LANCELOT RUMARY PENDRAGON AND THE SILVER SWORD OF WORDS #ILOVETAYLORSWIFT “Good bye ISIS god’ay TAYLOR SWIFT” as his MOM who is also married to HORUS in the form of GOD fell to the concrete sobbing; ‘I LOVE MY MONEY I LOVE MY WORK HORUS MY LOVE YOU HAVE RUINED ME’; HORUS THREW HIS $155million INVOICE at the hapless slut emptied his bladder on her sobbing face here ‘LOVE YOUR MONEY WHEN I GET BACK I WILL THROW YOU IN JAIL WITH MY PORTFOLIO OF TAYLOR SWIFT BLOW-JOB PHOTOS YOU WILL HAVE TO BE A LESBOS MONARCH SEX-SLAVE NOW’.

·                     MONARCH SLAVE:

·                     A person who has different alternate personalities that they are unaware of. Clinically called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). These personalities can be triggered to come forward by their handler/owner. Each ‘alter persona’ has its place; for example, in women; the darling Mother alter that looks after her children (KATY PERRY IS KNOWN AS MOM TO HER VICTIMS, ‘FANS’) to the ‘Mother of Darkness’ alter who would be used in Satanic rituals (KATY PERRY MAKES HER VICTIMS MASTURBATE OVER HER NAKED BODY TO GIVE HER ENERGETIC STRENGTH). Alters can also be used for assassinations & prostitution & then programmed to forget what they have done.  

·                     DEAR KATY PERRY FROM ‘YOUR HUSBAND’ #Doncha 4get about meJ (BAPHOMET MAHOMET)

·                     KATY PERRY IS WIDE AWAKE:


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